Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Shooting Script-Ian Uttley

Shooting script-The redemption
SHOT 1 Long shot of doors with Mike running through them
SHOT 2 Medium long shot looking down the corridor with Mike running from right to left of shot running past the camera
SHOT 3 Long shot of Mike running towards the camera, the camera then pans slightly as he begins to go round the corner
SHOT 4 Low angle shot of Mike emerging from the corner and runs near but not over the camera
SHOT 5 Medium shot of Coach leaning against a wall, the camera quickly pans round as Mike comes in to shot pans back slightly to get both of them in to shot
SHOT 6 medium, backwards tracking shot of Coach and Mike walking towards the press conference
SHOT 7 Medium shot of coach and mike arriving at the door, shot from behind them
SHOT 8 reverse of shot 7 Small bit of dialogue
SHOT 9 Medium shot from behind them with coach beginning to open the door
Interior-Conference room-Daytime
SHOT 10 Medium shot of Coach and Mike entering the conference hall
SHOT 11 Establishing shot of conference room with the press seated with slight pan
SHOT 12 High angle shot of Coach and Mike walking toward table and Mike gets seated and Coach welcomes the journalists
SHOT 13 Medium shot of the table with Vladimir (opponent) in shot as Coach leaves the table
SHOT 14 Close up of the first journalist asking a question with a reverse shot of Mike answering
SHOT 15 CU of a different journalist with Vladimir answering
SHOT 16 Medium Long shot of Mike and Vlad standing up to square off with each other like they’re about to fight
SHOT 17 CU hand held, over the shoulder shots of the Mikes face then a reverse shot of Vlad
SHOT 18 CU hand held shot of Mikes clenched fist
Interior-Boxing Gym-Evening
SHOT 19 Medium shot of Mike and coach entering the gym reception and the camera follows as they enter the main part of the gym
SHOT 20 Medium shot of them going through the opening to the main part of the gym abd the camera pans to follow them going towards the chair
SHOT 21 Medium close up of Mike seated in his chair as he reaches for his bag
SHOT 22 High angle close up of Mike opening his bag and taking out his gloves
SHOT 22 Close up of Mike putting on his gloves and punching them together as in to get them comfortable
SHOT 23 Medium shot of Mike getting up and walking towards the punch bag and beginning to punch it
SHOT 24 close up of his fist hitting the bag

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